Lab And Phlebotomy
- Acupuncture Needles
- Amniocentesis, Aspiration and Biopsy Trays
- Anesthesia Injection Needles
- Armboards
- Arterial Blood Gas Kits
- Aspiration and Biopsy Needles
- Autoclaves and Sterilizers
- Beakers and Bottles
- Blood Collection Needles
- Blood Collection Tubes
- Blood Tubing
- Brackets and Cabinets
- Bulb Syringes
- Calibrators
- Cannulas with Syringe
- Cannulas withou Syringes
- Cannulas without Syringes
- Cardiac Catheters
- Central Venous Catheter Kits
- Centrifuges
MFR #: AU-419B
Reagent Cellpack® Diluent, Sheath For Sysmex KX, XS, and XT Analyzers 20 Liter
MFR #: AU-423
Reagent Cellpack® Diluent, Sheath For Sysmex KX, XS, and XT Analyzers 20 Liter
MFR #: B08179
Reagent Kit CDS Medonic Hematology Lytic Agent For CDS Medonic M Series Hematology Analyzer 1.9 X 8.5 Liter
MFR #: B1015-41
Reagent Cellpack® Diluent, Sheath For Sysmex KX, XS, and XT Analyzers 20 Liter
MFR #: B1015-43
Reagent Cellpack® Diluent, Sheath For Sysmex KX, XS, and XT Analyzers 20 Liter
MFR #: B1017-216
Conventional Panel MicroScan® Neg/Urine Combo Panel Type 74 Identification and Susceptibility Testing 25 Antimicrobic Agents For MicroScan® Analyzers 20 Panels
MFR #: B1017-420
Conventional Panel MicroScan® Neg/Urine Combo Panel Type 74 Identification and Susceptibility Testing 25 Antimicrobic Agents For MicroScan® Analyzers 20 Panels
MFR #: B1017-426
Conventional Panel MicroScan® Positive Combo Panel Type 43 Identification and Susceptibility Testing 23 Antibiotics Panel For MicroScan® Analyzers 20 Panels
MFR #: B1017-428
Conventional Panel MicroScan® Neg/Urine Combo Panel Type 74 Identification and Susceptibility Testing 25 Antimicrobic Agents For MicroScan® Analyzers 20 Panels
MFR #: B1027-201
Panel MicroScan® Identification and Susceptibility Testing MICrostrep Plus 2 For MicroScan® Analyzers 20 Panels
MFR #: B46435
Reagent Kit CDS Medonic Hematology Lytic Agent For CDS Medonic M Series Hematology Analyzer 1.9 X 8.5 Liter
MFR #: BL252
Reagent Cellpack® Diluent, Sheath For Sysmex KX, XS, and XT Analyzers 20 Liter
MFR #: BL415
Reagent Kit CDS Medonic Hematology Lytic Agent For CDS Medonic M Series Hematology Analyzer 1.9 X 8.5 Liter
MFR #: BL417
Reagent Kit CDS Medonic Hematology Lytic Agent For CDS Medonic M Series Hematology Analyzer 1.9 X 8.5 Liter
MFR #: BL423
Reagent Cellpack® Diluent, Sheath For Sysmex KX, XS, and XT Analyzers 20 Liter
MFR #: BUN600
Reagent Cellpack® Diluent, Sheath For Sysmex KX, XS, and XT Analyzers 20 Liter
MFR #: C344-0100
Reagent Kit CDS Medonic Hematology Lytic Agent For CDS Medonic M Series Hematology Analyzer 1.9 X 8.5 Liter
MFR #: C7503480
Reagent Cellpack® Diluent, Sheath For Sysmex KX, XS, and XT Analyzers 20 Liter
MFR #: C7510500
Reagent Cellpack® Diluent, Sheath For Sysmex KX, XS, and XT Analyzers 20 Liter
MFR #: C7522450
Reagent Cellpack® Diluent, Sheath For Sysmex KX, XS, and XT Analyzers 20 Liter
MFR #: C75391250
Reagent Cellpack® Diluent, Sheath For Sysmex KX, XS, and XT Analyzers 20 Liter
MFR #: C7539625
Reagent Cellpack® Diluent, Sheath For Sysmex KX, XS, and XT Analyzers 20 Liter
MFR #: C7548120
Reagent Kit CDS Medonic Hematology Lytic Agent For CDS Medonic M Series Hematology Analyzer 1.9 X 8.5 Liter
MFR #: C7568100
Reagent Cellpack® Diluent, Sheath For Sysmex KX, XS, and XT Analyzers 20 Liter
MFR #: CC10015893
Reagent Cellpack® Diluent, Sheath For Sysmex KX, XS, and XT Analyzers 20 Liter
MFR #: CC214
Reagent Cellpack® Diluent, Sheath For Sysmex KX, XS, and XT Analyzers 20 Liter
MFR #: CC228
Reagent Cellpack® Diluent, Sheath For Sysmex KX, XS, and XT Analyzers 20 Liter
MFR #: CC415
Reagent Cellpack® Diluent, Sheath For Sysmex KX, XS, and XT Analyzers 20 Liter
MFR #: CC660
Reagent with Calibrator Pancreatic / General Chemistry Lipase For Quantitative Determination of Lipase Activity in Human Serum on Beckman Coulter AU Analyzers 4 X 65 Tests R1 Buffer: 4 X 10 mL, R2: 4 X 3.3 mL
MFR #: CHO600
Reagent Cellpack® Diluent, Sheath For Sysmex KX, XS, and XT Analyzers 20 Liter