Lab And Phlebotomy
- Acupuncture Needles
- Amniocentesis, Aspiration and Biopsy Trays
- Anesthesia Injection Needles
- Armboards
- Arterial Blood Gas Kits
- Aspiration and Biopsy Needles
- Autoclaves and Sterilizers
- Beakers and Bottles
- Blood Collection Needles
- Blood Collection Tubes
- Blood Tubing
- Brackets and Cabinets
- Bulb Syringes
- Calibrators
- Cannulas with Syringe
- Cannulas withou Syringes
- Cannulas without Syringes
- Cardiac Catheters
- Central Venous Catheter Kits
- Centrifuges
Reagent Cellpack® Diluent, Sheath For Sysmex KX, XS, and XT Analyzers 20 Liter
MFR #: CO2600
Reagent Cellpack® Diluent, Sheath For Sysmex KX, XS, and XT Analyzers 20 Liter
MFR #: DF2236501
Antiserum Ortho® Blood Grouping Test Anti-FyB For Selecting Donor Red Cells For Patients Who Became Fyb Antigen Immune as Result of Transfusion or Pregnancy 1 X 3 mL
Reagent Kit CDS Medonic Hematology Lytic Agent For CDS Medonic M Series Hematology Analyzer 1.9 X 8.5 Liter
MFR #: DST-300A
Reagent Cellpack® Diluent, Sheath For Sysmex KX, XS, and XT Analyzers 20 Liter
MFR #: DT0597
Reagent Kit CDS Medonic Hematology Lytic Agent For CDS Medonic M Series Hematology Analyzer 1.9 X 8.5 Liter
MFR #: DT1194
Reagent Kit CDS Medonic Hematology Lytic Agent For CDS Medonic M Series Hematology Analyzer 1.9 X 8.5 Liter
MFR #: DT209
Reagent Cellpack® Diluent, Sheath For Sysmex KX, XS, and XT Analyzers 20 Liter
MFR #: DT211
Reagent Cellpack® Diluent, Sheath For Sysmex KX, XS, and XT Analyzers 20 Liter
MFR #: DT423
Reagent Kit CDS Medonic Hematology Lytic Agent For CDS Medonic M Series Hematology Analyzer 1.9 X 8.5 Liter
MFR #: DT425
Reagent Cellpack® Diluent, Sheath For Sysmex KX, XS, and XT Analyzers 20 Liter
MFR #: DZ168C-KY1
Reagent Kit CDS Medonic Hematology Lytic Agent For CDS Medonic M Series Hematology Analyzer 1.9 X 8.5 Liter
MFR #: FBA-200A
Reagent Cellpack® Diluent, Sheath For Sysmex KX, XS, and XT Analyzers 20 Liter
MFR #: GSD01-130
Reagent Kit CDS Medonic Hematology Lytic Agent For CDS Medonic M Series Hematology Analyzer 1.9 X 8.5 Liter
MFR #: GSD01-150
Reagent Kit CDS Medonic Hematology Lytic Agent For CDS Medonic M Series Hematology Analyzer 1.9 X 8.5 Liter
Reagent Cellpack® Diluent, Sheath For Sysmex KX, XS, and XT Analyzers 20 Liter
MFR #: H503
Reagent Cellpack® Diluent, Sheath For Sysmex KX, XS, and XT Analyzers 20 Liter
MFR #: H504
Reagent Cellpack® Diluent, Sheath For Sysmex KX, XS, and XT Analyzers 20 Liter
MFR #: HB9521020
Reagent Cellpack® Diluent, Sheath For Sysmex KX, XS, and XT Analyzers 20 Liter
MFR #: HEM2-125
Reagent Cellpack® Diluent, Sheath For Sysmex KX, XS, and XT Analyzers 20 Liter
MFR #: HM929480
Reagent Cellpack® Diluent, Sheath For Sysmex KX, XS, and XT Analyzers 20 Liter
MFR #: HP9161200
Reagent Cellpack® Diluent, Sheath For Sysmex KX, XS, and XT Analyzers 20 Liter
MFR #: ICN19460380
Reagent Cellpack® Diluent, Sheath For Sysmex KX, XS, and XT Analyzers 20 Liter
MFR #: J89981
Reagent Cellpack® Diluent, Sheath For Sysmex KX, XS, and XT Analyzers 20 Liter
MFR #: J89984
Reagent Cellpack® Diluent, Sheath For Sysmex KX, XS, and XT Analyzers 20 Liter
MFR #: JTR15421
Reagent Cellpack® Diluent, Sheath For Sysmex KX, XS, and XT Analyzers 20 Liter
MFR #: JTR24321
Reagent Cellpack® Diluent, Sheath For Sysmex KX, XS, and XT Analyzers 20 Liter
MFR #: K7020
Reagent Cellpack® Diluent, Sheath For Sysmex KX, XS, and XT Analyzers 20 Liter
MFR #: KAI-013
Reagent Kit CDS Medonic Hematology Lytic Agent For CDS Medonic M Series Hematology Analyzer 1.9 X 8.5 Liter